“Ease is the strongest energy of all.”

Hi, I’m Anselia—a professional Tarot reader and licensed therapist with over 3,000 hours of casework. But beyond the titles, I’m just like you: navigating a world where external pressures and internal stress seem to grow every day.

We live in a time when we all need healing and release, yet the journey to find that healing or achieve our goals often leaves us feeling even more drained. It’s as if we’re stuck in a cycle—working harder, pushing further, only to feel more exhausted and further from the peace we’re seeking.

To be honest, I’ve been there too. And as someone who’s naturally a bit lazy (because who doesn’t want things to come effortlessly?), I knew there had to be a better way. That’s why I’ve spent years exploring the simplest, most effective ways to create the life you want—without the struggle.

What I’ve discovered is powerful: Ease is the strongest energy of all. Manifestation doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming—you can do it anytime, anywhere, using even the smallest moments in your day.

I’ve also discovered the most efficient way to manifest: when your inner and outer worlds align, manifestation happens faster than you can imagine. That’s why I created an incredibly simple method: the “In & Out Alignment” Method (Learn more here). Using this approach, I’ve effortlessly manifested countless amazing things in my own life and helped my friends and clients do the same. Now, I want to share it with you, and I hope this method works wonders for you, too.

It is my greatest wish to help you align with the life you truly desire.